Founded as the social justice and environmental arm of the late, lamented Wetlands Preserve nightclub, Wetlands Activism Collective hasdevoted almost two decades to successful advocacy campaigns on issues like forest defense, anti-consumerism, animal rights, anti-globalization, indigenous people's rights, resource waste, and labor rights.

No RSVP is required. Admission is free, but donations are welcome. The party will be held at:
Times Up! environmental space
49 East Houston Street
(btwn Mott and Mulberry
7:30 pm
Fashion show at 9pm!
Take the B, D, F, or V toBroadway-Lafayette, 6 to Bleeker Street, or the N/R to Prince Street.For more information, call Wetlands Activism Collective at (201)928-2831 or email activism@wetlands-preserve.org.
Times Up! environmental space
49 East Houston Street
(btwn Mott and Mulberry
7:30 pm
Fashion show at 9pm!
Take the B, D, F, or V toBroadway-Lafayette, 6 to Bleeker Street, or the N/R to Prince Street.For more information, call Wetlands Activism Collective at (201)928-2831 or email activism@wetlands-preserve.org.
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