Monday, March 19, 2007

Trashy Lingerie Show-- please distrubute

Victoria's Dirty Little Secret is that she is a feminist and not onlywants to recycle her catalogues but also her bad image as she repaysher karmic debt to the world and forgets about her Think Pink!campaign and launches the Just THINK! campaign at the TRASHY LINGERIE SHOW, (that is lingerie-made-out-of trash) presented by the FREEGAN FASHION TEAM and RADICAL PERFORMANCE GROUP at the Wetlands Collective18th Birthday and Victoria Secret Victory Party! After many protestsVickie's has agreed to quit their dirty little habit of printing 360million of their catalogues on endangered rain forest.
Founded as the social justice and environmental arm of the late, lamented Wetlands Preserve nightclub, Wetlands Activism Collective hasdevoted almost two decades to successful advocacy campaigns on issues like forest defense, anti-consumerism, animal rights, anti-globalization, indigenous people's rights, resource waste, and labor rights.

Come see how FreeganSexy it is to dance with activists to music spunby DJ Suggested D, eat free food (prepared by ; a projectof Wetlands Activism Collective); and hear updates on forest defensecampaigns featuring activists from Wetlands Activism Collective, Rainforest Relief, and Forest Ethics, environmental films; as projections and glimmers of images from forest defense protests and direct actions dance through your head.
No RSVP is required. Admission is free, but donations are welcome. The party will be held at:

Times Up! environmental space

49 East Houston Street
(btwn Mott and Mulberry
7:30 pm
Fashion show at 9pm!

Take the B, D, F, or V toBroadway-Lafayette, 6 to Bleeker Street, or the N/R to Prince Street.For more information, call Wetlands Activism Collective at (201)928-2831 or email

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

News flash: New Yorkers on subway actually smile!

In its second action, several Radical Performance Group members gathered in Union Square at dusk to descend into the subway, where we tried to engage random, isolated strangers on the 6 train in a friendly game of Telephone. For those who don't remember what it was like to be 8 years old (or simply had the misfortune of never playing), Telephone is a game in which one person whispers a message - anything - into the ear of the person next to them, who in turn passes it down to the following individual, and so on, until it reaches the end and usually turns out garbled and distorted - but nevertheless meaningful and relevant! - by the end.
It's an interesting exercise in communication but also in observing how people who are so isolated from each other and normally wouldn't dare make eye contact, much less whisper ridiculous messages into the ear of a stranger, interact with each other. Personally, I didn't think it would work, but on a minimally crowded uptown train, the idea took off instantly. Soon, in a quintessential yet truly unexpected New York moment, people from all walks of life were whispering down the car and - gasp! - smiling and - EVEN CRAZIER! - actually laughing IN CONCERT WITH ONE ANOTHER! Like we're some kind of community or something and not just bored-looking, alienated commuters who hate each other and compete for seats!

It was amusing and heartening to observe individuals you never would think would take part in a game of Subway Telephone take off their headphones or put down their book or drop their cold 'don't fuck with me I'm on the 6 train' stare to eagerly jump in. It was equally amusing to watch casual bystanders let themselves be seen smiling and laughing and emerge out of the bubble in which everyone tends to hide themselves in closed, public spaces.

All it took was a little RPG magic to remind me (I hope others) that beneath a cold, hard, thin surface of isolation and fear, New York is actually a bubbling, breathing, genuine community whose people still have a spark for spontaneity and a cautious affection for each other.

if anyone can remember the slogans we used - and the messages that came out at the end - please post them because that's the best part.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Make Pillows Not War

RPG has it's first Action. We decided to see what people thought about the war in Iraq by constructing an IRAQ shaped pillow costume that we wore to the Union Square Pillow Fight on Saturday February 24, 2007.

The RPG Iraq Pillow Costume stunned even the most violent and dedicated pillow fighters into a truce as feathers parted and settled on the concrete on this cold and sunny day. Fighters were too stunned for words and chose instead to write their feelings about the war in Iraq. Most everyone wrote messages of peace. No one dared to attack Iraq, saying that it had suffered enough already.